Friday, November 24, 2006

My World Changing Plan to Shorten Fall

Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and soon we will be aproaching possibly the worst two weeks of the year. It's that awful time between Thanksgiving and winter break that I refer to as "The Bleak Weeks" or simply "TBW". And after thinking about how crappy and awkward they are, I have decided there is only one way to get rid of them: get rid of them.

Everybody hates TBW. First off, nobody wants to go back to work and school for a few weeks after Thanksgiving break, the whole time just waiting for winter break, Christmas, Chanukahhahckckkka, and Kwanza. No one can wait for all the joy, peace, love and corporate profit boosts that skip happily along side the best time of year. Everyone is just staring at the clock waiting for break to start again. It's time to cut this crap out of the year.

Second off, I don't have a second point really, so just go ahead and re read the first point if you really want.

How am I going to do this? Well, naturally we need a minor insignificant holiday such as "Presidents Day" or "Columbus Day" to bridge the gap of Thanksgiving to December. You know, like the kind where you're not really sure why they're there, but you're just fine with it cause you get out of school. I call it "Horray For Native Americans Day." It's only fair we give them a bit or recognition, seeing as we robbed thier graves, stole thier land and put them in the desert. They deserve a little horray once a year.

Once that is over, we move right into winter break, thus ending November at the 27th and starting December at the 15th. To make up for time we'll have a three week sleeping spree in January.

Who can argue with any of this? It's time to start sending letters to you're congressmen people. We're putting this sucker in the constitution.
