Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Hippies: wastes of space or world changers? You decide! Just kidding, I decide.

Hippies... hippies are annoying me.

Now I don't mean as people. I love hippies as people. Most of them are great people, such as my good friend Mikey. He's a hippy and he's a nice guy. Hippies are nice guys. Its not thier personality that sucks. It's their overall purpose that sucks.

Hippies think they can sit around and change the world. Those two things don't really go together. See they go off into the woods and light up and have peace circles and sing songs. They say with peace they can change the world.

Theres a problem with that. Sure peace can change the world. But what is a circle of pot heads singing songs out in the woods going to do? Do you think that's going to stop a war? No. Do you think Woodstock really changed the Vietnamm war? No, not really. Mostly it was just a great concert.

Hippies, I have a message for you. Put on some shoes. You're not doing anything but taking up space if your going to sit around and be little bums. No... you have to get active! Get involved in politics. I'll tell you something: the first hippy that is elected as a congress man will change more than every other hippy in the world has ever changed. Basically, do something constructive.

Wolrd peace is awesome, but honestly, sitting around with a bong isn't doing anything for it.
Actually, it's probablly making it worse considering many wars in South America are involved with drugs.

So anyway, put down the protest signs and actually do something. Trust me, Bush could care less about another protseter. In his words "you get used to it after a while".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

gosh kyle... it's so entertaining to read

9:58 AM  
Blogger kyle said...

I can see what you are saying mikey, You're a hippy that i can see actually doing something for the world. What I'm saying is most hippies don't, and they should be more like you and get involved.

4:10 PM  

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