Evolution vs Creation vs Me
So, there has to be a right and a wrong here. Right?
Wrong. Both of them, in fact.
Lemme break it down for you guys. First off, about Creation. People who think that God created the Earth with one poof and that humans were suddenly here and everything else deserve some credit, but in this day and age, the evidence that man comes from ape is overwhelmingly huge, almost too obvious to ignore. Neandrathals' bones and skulls have been descovered, making it clearer and clearer too scientists around the world everyday: humans have developed and evolved. And that's that.
Next, about these Darwin guys. They think that the Earth just kinda banged into existence and suddenly stuff started to happen, with no help from an outside source. Tell me, genius guys, how the heck did this happen? Sure humans came from teeny little organisums, but where did those come from, and where did the place they come from come from, and so on. This kinda stuff can't just suddenly appear in space, can it? The stars, asteroids... it's impossible to think that this stuff just suddenly appeared out of no where. And the way the world works, how can you say it was random? It's like shaking up the parts of a bike in a box and having them all fit perfectly together. It just doesn't happen.
So then, what did happen you ask? Well that's plainly simple. God planned out a path for humans to take and created everything to function on it's own. He planned out the path the earth would take, including evolution. Of course, when the first humans appeared, he couldn't tell them that they were created from monkeys. people weren't that smart yet. My idea is that he told them they were created from dust to explain to them how they were created so they could understand it. God wasn't lying about it. It's like telling a two year old that babies come from cabbages. It's not lying, its just putting it in a way they can understand.
Now of course my theyory isn't complete or perfect, but I think it's pretty close. But either way, I think it's time Evolutionists and Creationists got together and agreed on something: we're all people. And we can work this out. Evolutionists: challenge yourselves and think about where everything began. And Cristians, thank God for the minds he's planned out for us, and the ability he gave us to figure out the things on the earth he planned out, down to the very last microscopic organism.
It's freeky how our opinions are so similar, dude- that's exactly my stance on the whole how human's got here thang. Scientists point to "the big bang" and conservative Christians point to "God made the Universe and everything in it" and they're pointing to the same thing but they don't know it. The more you look at it, the more complex it is, and the more complex it is, the less likely it is that it could happen on its own. I mean, when you really get into it, there are too many coincidences for it to just happen on its own. Meanwhile, the Christians don't have much of an arguing point either- "Yeah, everything you are scientifically proving is... uhh... lies. And you are spending millions, even billions of dollars on "research" just so you can make up some theory in your head without evidence and tell the world." Yeah right. These guys are just looking closer and closer at what God created, and the Christians are freakin' out thinking that they are going to prove the Christian faith fake, but in reality they are just proving it true more and more. It doesn't help that most scientists are atheists though.
Well, that's my take.
yea thats true, they're both pointing to the same thing. great points brian, i totally agree.
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