Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I haven't posted since the summer. I bet your wondering how school is going.

Well, the hard truth is that school sucks, even if it's highschool. Yea, you get to see friends. That makes it tollarable. But its so boring! Highschool is tiring... I keep almost falling asleep. It wouldnt be so boring if the stuff we learn about wasn't so terribly boring.

Which brings me to my next point.

Trees. Why in the world do you we need to know about trees.

They sit there. The give out oxygen. They have leaves.

Why do we need to know every last goddamn tree for bioligy? When will we ever use this? It's not like it's going to do anything for you in life. "Hey, my life was going off track, I was just a mess. But then I learned how to tell a Box Elder from an Ash tree and now, I feel like a person again." Somehow I can't see anyone saying that.

Ok, so its fine for a hobby, and it's fine if you love trees. Its just not something we need to know about! Honestly, when will we ever need this crap? NEVER. Unless you want to know how to be some sort of leaf professor, a profession that baffels me.

Who's with me? Let stop learning about trees and put school time to doing something useful!

And until I find out what that thing is, I'll be outside cutting some leaf samples.


Blogger kyle said...

What do gold drivers and Grenada Relief Funds have to do with each other? Can my spam at least make sense?

8:01 PM  

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