Monday, October 17, 2005
About Me
- Name: kyle
- Location: Wyoming, Ohio, United States
Wussup peeps? I'm Kyle. Instead of posting a long boring explanation of myself, I decided to narrow it down to things I like and dislike. I like: punk rock, jamming with my homies, making electronica, Maddox, Dave Barre, my weird friends, Jesus, Guitar, Drums, tennis, band, making fun of Dylan, general taos chicken, nutty bars, Jose Ole, poetry, llamas, learning new instruments, and doing nothing. I don't like: emos are taking over the world, George W Bush, Fall Out Boy, my weird friends
Previous Posts
- My World Changing Plan to Shorten Fall
- The Granola Bar Crisis
- A public serivice announcement to dog owners
- Army Commercials confuse me
- Soundclick! yay
- Is that all I get?
- Hippies: wastes of space or world changers? You de...
- Christmas
- Day of Snow
- Holidays