Ok. Let me ask you a question.
Is it right that it's legal to own a gun that can take down a small aircraft?
You know the guy. He seems to folow me around. He's probably got facial hair, probably over fifty, probably male, probably over weight, probably protestant, definately white, definately southern, and definately Republican. He's got his car covered in American flag stickers, NRA stickers and sayings like "God loves America" and "America or else" and "I'd rather be huntin' my dinner".
Ok, so I've probably crossed the line stereotypical wise, and I probably should go back and delete all that stuff. But I think we all know it's true. These guys are what's keeping these guns around. (Not that I hate these sorta guys, infact they usually are pretty fun to be around, it's just thier views on gun gun control I don't like. And also thier body odor.) Every other country who has half a brian has kept gun restrictions, and guess what? They have better crime rates than us.
How the heck do these countries have better crime rates than us? you ask. It couldn't possibly be the fact that any insane guy can flash the second ammendment in your face and buy an assalt rifle or two? It's just self defence! You say.
Oh yea, sure. Just turn on the TV news at any time in the day, and I can gaurantee someone just got shot. That doesn't happen in gun control countries.
Trust me, If someone is buying a high callaber sniper, they have more than self defence on thier mind.
But It's our right! You say. Come on guys. Let's pull it together. Sometimes laws need to be changed. When this one was written, slavery was legal. People thought that was right too, to own slaves. This has gone on too long. I just can't take it.
the worst part is that it's never gonna happen.
Well, I'm done with that. I'm off to go sulk in the corner now.